
$Parent | ? { $_.InfoSecFactotum -And $_.PowerShellJunkie }

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    Date Posted: 2020-04-05 02:15:00 +0000
    Date Updated: 2020-04-05 02:15:00 +0000
    1 min read.

    PowerShell Function to Get Employee Details

    The ActiveDirectory module comes with the Get-ADUser commandlet that provides useful information about a user, but the default output does not include some of the properties that I find most useful. Therefore, it requires the returned User object to be piped to Select-Object with the desired properties specified like so: Get-ADUser john.doe | Select-Object Department, Title, LockedOut. If you know which properties you want on a regular basis, consider adding this function (or similar) to your PowerShell profile.

    Date Posted: 2018-09-19 20:19:00 +0000
    Date Updated: 2018-09-19 20:19:00 +0000
    1 min read.

    Custom Alernatives to Measure-Object

    PowerShell provides a built-in method for most objects to count the number of items in that object. Also, PowerShell comes with the Measure-Object commandlet. But, what if those don’t quite suit your needs and you want to be able to pipe an object to a single function to do the work for you? Read on to see a few alternatives to .Count and Measure-Object.

    Date Posted: 2018-08-23 14:39:00 +0000
    Date Updated: 2018-08-23 14:39:00 +0000
    3 min read.

    Adding an nslookup Pivot to Squert

    If you’ve ever used Security Onion, you’ve undoubtedly used Squert. Squert is a web interface for managing events in Security Onion. Each event must have a source and a destination IP address, by nature. And this is how they are displayed in Squert, by IP address. What if you want to know what the hostnames are, though?

    Date Posted: 2018-07-11 14:52:02 +0000
    Date Updated: 2018-07-11 14:52:02 +0000
    2 min read.

    Configuring a DSC Pull Server with HTTPS on Windows Server Core 2016

    After learning about DSC Pull Servers, I immediately wanted to get one up and running, however, I tend to want to do things right the first time if I can. That being said, I didn’t want to create a pull server with SMB to test, and then one with HTTP, and then one with HTTPS after. I knew I wanted HTTPS to start with, so I set out to do just that. Things quickly became complicated because I decided to do this on Windows Server Core 2016…